August 12, 2024 badgercpadev


Badger Case Study

Carlos Mata, CFO of Tatanka Midstream LLC, an independent energy company, learned of Badger CPA through a former coworker of his. As a small, growth-oriented company with no assets or revenues yet, Tatanka needed, in the words of Mr. Mata, “A trusted partner that could help us close the books accurately and timely and help us develop the backbone of the accounting process while potentially helping us conduct due diligence and integration at an affordable investment.”

Tatanka chose to partner with Badger CPA based on three main motivations:

  • Great attention and collaborative process
  • Potential for early mutual growth
  • Direct communication from leaders regarding capabilities and effectiveness

Tatanka valued Badger CPA’s honesty and efficiency, and recognized that these traits would allow for a mutually beneficial working relationship to develop between the two companies. With Badger CPA taking some of the minutiae of accounting out of the hands of Tatanka, Mr. Mata was able to focus on growing his young company.

According to Mr. Mata, Badger has kept its promises, working hard to accommodate and attend to all of Tatanka’s needs. The onboarding process went smoothly, and the Badger team quickly provided solutions to minor issues that arose– Mr. Mata noted in particular that Megan and Krystal have been great partners for them. Overall, both Mr. Mata and Tatanka Midstream as a whole have been thoroughly satisfied with Badger CPA.

Is your company in search of a CPA partnership that can take you to the next level? If you’re looking for a CPA firm you can count on, schedule a free virtual meeting today!